Tags: safety at work

  • Top 10 trabajos más peligrosos del mundo

    Top 10 most dangerous jobs in the world

    Not all jobs have the same risks. There are jobs with high risk for workers, even with all safety measures. This is a list of the jobs considered the most dangerous in the world. 10. Foreman or Landscaping Workers 9. Electricity Line Installers 8. Farmers and Ranchers 7. Truck Drivers…

  • Importancia del calzado de seguridad en el trabajo (Peligros de no usar las botas adecuados)

    Importance of safety footwear at work (Dangers of not wearing the right boots)

    According to the ILO, 317 million workplace accidents occur annually in the world. Additionally, every day 6,300 people die as a result of work-related accidents or illnesses; more than 2.3 million deaths a year. Accidents happen without warning. Therefore, security must be a key component of life and more...
